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OpenOrgs Curation Board

Our Curation Board team has a clear mission: to maintain the excellence and integrity of the OpenOrgs service.

We're here to make sure that the content you see is top-notch and reliable.

Meet the Board

Bojan Macan

Bojan is the Head of the Centre for Scientific Information at the Ruđer Bošković Institute in Zagreb, Croatia. He has a PhD in Information and Communication Sciences!

Ivana Končić

Ivana is a Service Manager for OpenOrgs and also leads the charge in maintaining and evolving CroRIS - Croatian Research Information System.

Martina Žugaj

Martina is not only a librarian at the Centre for Scientific Information, but she's also a skilled OpenOrgs curator with a wealth of experience.

What do we do? A bit of everything!


Keeping an Eye Out

We watch over the quality and consistency of the content on OpenOrgs. If something needs improvement, we'll help make it better.

Finding the Best

We're always on the lookout for new curators. If you have the skills and passion, we want to hear from you!

Training and Support

Being a curator isn't easy, but we've got your back. We'll give you all the training and support you need to succeed.

The mission of The Board is to maintain the excellence and integrity of the OpenOrgs service by implementing a selection and oversight process for curators. This involves evaluating applicants' qualifications, ensuring fairness in the selection process, and providing ongoing support and training to curators to foster a well-informed and engaged community.

Roles and Responsibilities 

The Board's responsibilities are multi-faceted and are aimed at enhancing the overall functionality and quality of the OpenOrgs service. These responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following: 

Oversight and Guidance

Overseeing the overall quality and consistency of data curation within OpenOrgs. The Board might set standards, provide guidance and training to curators, and ensure adherence to best practices.

Curator Selection and Assessment

Conducting regular reviews of current curators to assess engagement and performance.

Continually developing and refining the application process to ensure a comprehensive evaluation of potential curators.

Evaluating new curator applications, ensuring applicants meet eligibility criteria and possess the necessary knowledge, qualifications, and commitment.

Fair Selection Process

Ensuring that the selection process for curators is equitable, transparent, open and merit based.

Creating clear and publicly accessible criteria for curator selection to maintain transparency.

Managing a structured application process that includes specific questions tailored to comprehensively assess each candidate.

Training and Development

Overseeing the training of new curators to equip them with the necessary skills and understanding of the OpenOrgs service.

Ensuring that both new and existing curators have access to training resources to maintain a high competency level.

Regularly updating training materials to reflect any changes in the OpenOrgs process or standards, shaped by OpenAIRE Graph and/or third-party services.

Formalization of Roles and Responsibilities

Ensuring that selected curators sign a Volunteer Statement which outlines their roles, responsibilities, and the standards they must uphold within the OpenOrgs curators community.

The OpenOrgs Curation Board plays a critical role in fostering a vibrant, knowledgeable, and responsible community within the OpenAIRE services and Open Science ecosystem. By adhering to a structured governance framework and executing its roles with integrity and transparency, The Board ensures that the OpenOrgs platform remains a model of quality and engagement for its participants. The continued success and growth of OpenOrgs depend on the diligent efforts of The Board and its commitment to excellence in curation and community engagement. 


Are you passionate about maintaining quality content and want to be part of our awesome community?

Join us as an OpenOrgs data curator!