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Bridging registries of research organisations.

Say goodbye to ambiguous research organisation data with OpenOrgs!

With this OpenAIRE data curation tool you can not only merge duplicate records of organisations and manage the structure of large research performing organisations, but also enhance data integrity across the research landscape.

Key beneficiaries of OpenOrgs.

Search & Discovery


Better findability of authors' institutional affiliations and other digital objects.

aggregation & showcase

Research Performing Organisations

Consistent showcase of the overall scientific production.

Monitoring services

Research Funding Organisations

Consistent information on the impact of resources.

Open science services

Entire research community

Functional and up-to-date services.

Why OpenOrgs.

OpenOrgs effectively navigates the intricacies of organisations engaged in research endeavors. This clarity significantly enhances information sharing, boosts the accessibility of research outputs, and streamlines activity monitoring.

Integration of different organisation registries
OpenOrgs users can fill in the gaps in existing information and enhance the organisation's discoverability by establishing links between persistent identifiers maintained by other established initiatives like ROR.
Resolution of duplicates and curation of metadata
A curator can edit organization metadata and approve or reject similarity relations suggested by the deduplication algorithm. Curator feedback is then used to improve the algorithm's accuracy.
Curated metadata featured on OpenAIRE portals
The organisations resulting from the deduplication enhanced by the user feedback are indexed and subsequently exposed by the OpenAIRE portal.
Bridging the variety of identities the organisations may have
OpenAIRE Graph reveals connections among research outputs, organisations, funders, and funding streams. Introducing a disambiguation tool with national curators will further streamline scholarly communication by addressing the multiple identities of organisations.

Case Studies.

Explore the real-world use of OpenOrgs through our Case Studies which highlight its important role in research and collaboration.

OpenOrgs expedites the data curation of university of Belgrade scholarly works
Curating the OpenAIRE Graph: disambiguating Greek organisations metadata with OpenOrgs
OpenOrgs facilitates the correct mapping of research outputs for Cyprus

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OpenOrgs Curator.